NIMW Chapter 16 : Sinking into Depravity (3)

Translator: Blue BambooEditor: sora I deliberately harden my face and then began to speak in a flat, emotionless tone of voice, “……Is that so.” I convey my apparent displeasure with a cold face. Upon seeing my stony expression Oichi Hime turns frightfully pale. “…In that case let’s stop for now, we shall continue some other … Continue reading NIMW Chapter 16 : Sinking into Depravity (3)

SSS : Sixth Episode

A jolt of electricity passed through me as my fingertips grazed past the tip of the stick. Numbness. Yet, there was no discomfort. This stick that I have swung for nigh on four years. It was akin to a limb of mine, answering freely to my call. I was not aware of why this has … Continue reading SSS : Sixth Episode